#3207. BACKUP - Backup Files

BACKUP - Backup Files

BACKUP - Backup Files


你在一家 IT 公司为大型写字楼或办公楼(offices)的计算机数据做备份。然而数据备份的工作是枯燥乏味的,因此你想设计一个系统让不同的办公楼彼此之间互相备份,而你则坐在家中尽享计算机游戏的乐趣。


然而,网络电缆的费用很高。当地电信公司仅能为你提供 K 条网络电缆,这意味着你仅能为 K 对办公楼(或总计 2K 个办公楼)安排备份。任一个办公楼都属于唯一的配对组(换句话说,这 2K 个办公楼一定是相异的)。

此外,电信公司需按网络电缆的长度(公里数)收费。因而,你需要选择这 K对办公楼使得电缆的总长度尽可能短。换句话说,你需要选择这 K 对办公楼,使得每一对办公楼之间的距离之和(总距离)尽可能小。

下面给出一个示例,假定你有 5 个客户,其办公楼都在一条街上,如下图所示。这 5 个办公楼分别位于距离大街起点 1km, 3km, 4km, 6km 和 12km 处。电信公司仅为你提供 K=2 条电缆。

上例中最好的配对方案是将第 1 个和第 2 个办公楼相连,第 3 个和第 4 个办公楼相连。这样可按要求使用 K=2 条电缆。第 1 条电缆的长度是 3km―1km = 2km,第 2 条电缆的长度是 6km―4km = 2 km。这种配对方案需要总长 4km 的网络电缆,满足距离之和最小的要求。

输入输出格式 输入格式: 输入文件的第一行包含整数 n 和 k,其中 n(1≤n≤100 000)表示办公楼的数目,k(1≤k≤n/2)表示可利用的网络电缆的数目。

接下来的 n 行每行仅包含一个整数(0≤s≤1000 000 000), 表示每个办公楼到大街起点处的距离。这些整数将按照从小到大的顺序依次出现。

输出格式: 输出文件应当由一个正整数组成,给出将 2K 个相异的办公楼连成 K 对所需的网络电缆的最小总长度。


You run an IT company that backs up computer data for large offices. Backing up data is not fun, and so you design your system so that the different offices can back up each others' data while you sit at home and play computer games instead.

The offices are all situated along a single street. You decide to pair up the offices, and for each pair of offices you run a network cable between the two buildings so that they can back up each others' data.

However, network cables are expensive. Your local telecommunications company will only give you k network cables, which means you can only arrange backups for k pairs of offices (2k offices in total). No office may belong to more than one pair (that is, these 2k offices must all be different). Furthermore, the telecommunications company charges by the kilometre. This means that you need to choose these k pairs of offices so that you use as little cable as possible. In other words, you need to choose the pairs so that, when the distances between the two offices in each pair are added together, the total distance is as small as possible.

As an example, suppose you had five clients with offices on a street as illustrated below. These offices are situated 1 km, 3 km, 4 km, 6km and 12km from the beginning of the street. The telecommunications company will only provide you with k = 2 cables.

The best pairing in this example is created by linking the first and second offices together, and linking the third and fourth offices together. This uses k = 2 cables as required, where the first cable has length 3km - 1km = 2 km, and the second cable has length 6km - 4km = 2 km. This pairing requires a total of 4km of network cables, which is the smallest total possible.


Multiple test cases, the number of them will be given at the very first line.

For each test case:

The first line of input will contain the integers n and k, representing the number of offices on the street (2 <= n <= 100 000) and the number of available network cables (1 <= k <= n/2).

The following n lines will each contain a single integer (0 <= s <= 1 000 000 000), representing the distance of each office from the beginning of the street. These integers will appear in sorted order from smallest to largest. No two offices will share the same location.


Output should consist of a single positive integer, giving the smallest total length of network cable required to join 2k distinct offices into k pairs.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

5 2

样例输出 #1


The sample input above represents the example scenario described earlier.